All-encompassing company data

Fincancial Data

Unlock unparalleled insights into public and private companies worldwide with's extensive financial datasets. Our public dataset covers over 60,000 companies globally, providing deep historical analysis and expert forecasts, while our unrivaled private company database spans more than 340 million firms, offering unprecedented access to balance sheets and income statements.

Leverage this comprehensive data to elevate your peer analysis, valuations, and strategic decision-making to new heights.

Public dataset

Powered by Morningstar offers a comprehensive public dataset covering over 60,000 public companies globally. This extensive dataset is sourced from Morningstar and updated daily, ensuring reliable and up-to-date information. Users can access 5 years of historical financials, as well as 3 years of forward-looking estimates provided by industry experts.

Additionally, streamlines the valuation process by including an automated WACC analysis, saving valuable time and effort. In summary,' aims to help investors, analysts, and researchers seek in-depth insights into public companies worldwide.

Private dataset

Unlocking Private Insights offers the world's most comprehensive private company dataset, encompassing over 340 million private firms globally. Our database provides users with access to full balance sheets and income statements for these private companies, offering insights into their financial performance and position. achieves this comprehensive coverage by partnering with local financial registries worldwide, ensuring an up-to-date and accurate view of private companies in all regions. For areas where private firms do not disclose their financials, employs sophisticated estimation techniques, providing closely-tracked estimates based on relevant firms within related sectors.

This approach ensures that users have a complete financial picture of their peer lists, enabling comprehensive analysis and benchmarking against both public and private companies.

Peer group analysis

Faster Analysis with Better Quality is designed to streamline and elevate peer group analysis for both public and private companies. For public peers, the platform offers a comprehensive set of over 90 different parameters, ranging from company information and estimates to valuation multiples and operational ratios. Additionally, provides automated benchmarking templates, saving users from the time-consuming task of manual analysis.

For private peers, the platform's parameters encompass all essential company information, including key datapoints from income statements and balance sheets, ensuring a complete understanding of these firms' financial positions.

In short, enables users to save valuable time while enhancing the quality and accuracy of their peer group analysis.

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